
Posts Tagged ‘worldly’

Well it’s certainly been a while hasn’t it?  I must admit that my site seem’s to be doing well and I have been getting considerable interest in the reviews I have done; particulary for Apocalypto and Avatar.

Whilst this blog isn’t meant to be just about reviews, be it on films, games or music it is my thoughts on things, and these thought’s can sometimes manifest themselves in the form of a review 😀

But enough about that at the moment, allow me to give you a brief update on what’s been going on…

I’ve just ordered a new phone so I will be able to blog on the move, for those of you interested I got the Samsung Galaxy Ace.  Granted it’s not the top end, highest spec phone there is but for me it does what I need, which is basically everything a top end phone does except for half the price.  For more information about ‘top end’ phones and various other tech, as always check out Gunbuck’s Gadgets.

Yes I know it looks like the iPhone 4 :-)

I’ve been vloggin’.  You guy’s know what that is, (Video Blogging).  I have a YouTube channel, the link is in my info section and also here 🙂  The unfortunate thing is that, whilst I did get terribly into it.  And I say terribly because I jumped both feet first in being all over YouTube, however it takes some time to become the next ‘What The Buck!’  But anyway, so yeah I got really into it but then like everything in life when you haven’t won the lottery, you need to work.  And i’ve been working, alot; but I digress, really I just wanted to explain why I haven’t uploaded as frequent as I first hoped, but the subscribers I have on YouTube know that.  If you haven’t already, what are you waiting for? Go check it out Ell Himself’s Channel.

Check it out! You know you want to :-)

Where legends are born and dreams are made....

I’ve been playing a new computer game.  Yes that’s right I still play them.  Gears of War 3.  Believe me it is good, I wouldn’t say it’s the best game i’ve played but still it kill’s some time.  That’s the difference this time around for me and the Gears franchise.  I don’t feel like I ‘want’ to play or ‘have’ to I just play it when I have a spare hour or so.  It’s more of an after thought.  Sure the ability to have 4 player drop in – drop out co-op campaign is good and the multi-player has improved considerably with dedicated servers, but still i’m not pissed if I can’t play it.

Oh i’ve started this 12 week training program, hopefully this will see me shed a few pounds and generally become more defined.
I was toying with the idea of blogging it, you know with weekly updates or something; I doubt there will be pictures i’m a little too self-concious for that at the moment!  But yeah hit me up on email or comment if you wanna know things such as the diet plan I am following and the workout.  By the way this is supplement free 🙂

I’m gonna go now, if my phone comes tomorrow i’ll blog from it in the evening to test the ease of use compared to my last android phone.  In the meantime take it easy and stay classy!

Ell Himself 

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Hey Guy’s,
Yeah yeah I know it’s been a while but what you gonna do? So this blog I’m hoping will an kind of interactive.  Basically I’ve been spending alot of time on Youtube, and I mean ALOT! I’ve been checking out various Vlogs, from the like’s of Destorm, BFvsGF and Shaytards.

I’m not going to explain what a vlog is or vlogging is, it’s basically ‘video blogging’.  If you want more info just Google it 🙂

So back to what I was saying this is an interactive blog because I want to know what you guy’s think of vlogging and if you think I could benefit from it or if you would ‘like’ me to tear it up on the viral side of blogging.

So yeah hit me up in the comment section below.

Ell Himself

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While the fates permit, live happily; life speeds on with a hurried step, and with winged days the wheel of the headlong year is turned; we need to strive to be all that we can be.  Time is like a black hole slowly closing down and taking memories of the forgotten things we have done and left behind us.  The Past; this may be called by some; simply disregarded by most as distant and faint as a breezing wind slowly moving on, impacting our being and resulting in nothingness in the very same instant.  But i consider my Past to be what has made me, molded me almost guided me to be the person i am today.

Why is it then that we are all too often thought of by our recent actions.  We are a nation, society even civilisation of first impressions and all too few second chances.  While some of us may give (and) or take these second chances as a life line to build on possibly all too early burned bridges there is a portion of us that do not.  The human being, more so the brain or mind are indescribable things, sure we can describe how they are and have thoughts on how they work but we will never truly be able to understand them nor understand the great power they yield.  People say our sole is what makes us individual but I believe it to be more physical matter.

It is this part of us that decides what course of action we will take when deciding to acknowledge second chances.

Emotions.  These play a big part on all of our everyday decisions but more importantly also play a pivotal role in more important decision making; often referred to as ‘matters of the heart‘.

Sometimes we can opt to take shelter all too quickly as we do not want our heart to be hurt.  Those of you (us) fortunate enough to be confident enough to display our emotions are, what I consider, to be among a few.  It is a personal observation that far too many of us would rather ignore our true feelings in the hope that someone else will decipher the mixed and coded messages that we give off when not wanting to risk being shot down in what ever nature.

Risk.  Calculated or Dynamic.  You choose.

It is our ability to make and take risks that separates us, divides us; this choice that binds us.  As I mentioned before we have our own opinions, emotions and make our own decisions.  Because of this fact each one of us will take what may be the same risk, but no two outcomes will ever be the same; they are unique responses to a similar instance of opportunity.

I want you, the reader that has been curious enough to see this blog post through to its end; to take one risk today.  I’m not talking about crossing the road without looking both ways or eating that out of date sandwich that still looks ‘okay‘ (guilty!) but a risk of the heart.  If your single tell the person you think you have feelings for, that you think you have feelings for them regardless of what you ‘think you know’ about the way their feeling.

A risk that could go either way.

“Dream as if you’ll live forever and live as if you’ll die tomorrow” – James Dean

Ell Himself

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Seem’s i’ve been getting a few hits over my recent film review of Apocalypto (check it out here) which also had a link to my Avatar review (here).

I write reviews for a gaming website called Gamespot, and granted I haven’t written too many but I have got a couple I enjoyed writing and got some good feedback for namely my Splinter Cell: Conviction and my Alan Wake reviews.  I did post my Alan Wake one here and figured I would add my Conviction one to my WordPress account and see what come’s from it, so stay tuned and my Splinter Cell: Conviction review will be here soon.

I don’t want this particular post to be mis-construed that this blog will become a review site for films etc i’ll leave that to others; The Thoughts and Ideals… is exactly what it says, my thoughts and ideals on certain subjects whether that be about my life thoughts on subjects or thoughts on films etc.

In the mean time don’t forget to have a browse through the other pages of this blog such as my Photography page and as always feel free to leave me a comment or two and i’ll keep a check on the stats to see what you guys are wanting from me (if anything!)

Ell Himself

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Last night I watched a film called Apocalypto.  It wasn’t the best choice of bedtime film, you know the sort where you are wanting to unwind and relax and possibly even nod off whilst the tele is still on.  For those of you that haven’t seen the film let me give you a very brief synopsis.

Set in Yucatan, Mexico, during the declining period of the Maya civilization,  Apocalypto depicts the journey of a Mesoamerican tribesman who must escape human sacrifice and rescue his family after the capture and destruction of his village.
This tribesman is Jaguar Paw.  At the beginning of the film Paw comes across obnoxious and arrogant encouraging his fellow men to literally take the mick out of one of the friends due to the fact that he is unable to impregnate his wife; but as the film unfolds Jaguar is forced to grow into the warrior that his father knew him to be.

Cinematography is of a nature that is to be expected from the direction of actor turned director Mel Gibson if you have seen his ‘The Passion Of The Christ’.  The Mayan jungle provides lush greens that allow the eyes a break from the browns and greys of the village and the larger city that is seen during the film.  Although even these cities/villages are not that much of an eye sore as as the head dress and other ‘uniforms’ that the civilisation are wearing are colourful enough.

This film is all about the raw nature of a culture that has yet to be civilised and know’s no niceties but at the same time are ahead of their time with the skills and train of thought.  You only have to watch the first 15 minutes to understand what I mean here when a few tribesmen, including main protagonist Jaguar Paw are out hunting a Tapir.  In my opinion Gibson and his team have done a terrific job of capturing the basic/primal instinct of this Mayan culture, this is also helped by the film being shot completely in Mayan dialect and subtitled.

Unfortunately for me though, this was my first time watching this film and although I have been wanting to watch it for some time I was left with a feeling that I just wanted something, abit, well; more to be honest.  at 139 minutes, so over 2 hours run time I thought that yes as tense films go this is one of the best, but probably because your tension builds because you expect something although I felt Apocalypto didn’t deliver.  Action scenes are executed relatively well and show the brutality involved in a primitive race when fighting, though as I said it was as if the film was building up and building up and then, well nothing really.  The final fight between Jaguar Paw and his enemies show that Jaguar has been able to come to terms with what he must do and how he must be at one with the forest and show no fear.  This is shown as if Jaguar gets some sort of premonition and is suddenly okay with being fearless.

Not the best but certainly not the worst.

But! if you want to watch a film containing an indigenous species and tribal acts of sacrifice and tall people wearing barely a thong and a receding hairline then take my advice and watch Avatar as you will most certainly not regret it, that film is a one in a million (well until the sequel(s).  For my review on Avatar take a look here.

Ell Himself

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So i’m having a little trouble staying regular with my posts.  I wouldn’t say it’s writers block or anything im not sure why it is.  At first i thought it was because i didnt have anything to write about but then i was thinking about this issue and going back to when i first opened this blog up; the reasons for it were as a place for me to jot down my thoughts or personal experiances or infact anything i wanted.  Initially this was the case but gradually as time went i found i was writing more personal experiances than anything else.  Now im not saying thats a bad thing, i mean if it was i wouldnt write or have this blog open in the first place, no im just stating something.

But to the present, I am having trouble with maintaining this blog and updating it with fresh entries, but then i think am i?  I mean who’s decision is it that ‘you are not updating enough’.  I get a fair few amount of hits/visits to this site, but ultimately i never created this blog with the intension of constantly having a lot of site traffic, i created it as a place for me to express feelings, or convey thoughts and if someone somewhere came across them then thats a bonus.  I guess thats the main reason why i havent turned into a reviewing site or whatever.

My friend GunBuck Chuck has a blog.  His is a blog that is updated almost like clockwork adding new information on animes like Naruto and Bleach and gives the oppurtunity for people to watch them on a weekly basis.  He has regular reviews on new music and games and of course reviews ‘apps’ for his beloved iPhone, he also posts things that are in the pipeline for various gadgets and other technology related information.

I picked him because our blogs couldn’t be more different, he opened his blog up alot later than mine, and no doubt has more posts now! But alas this is what I am talking about.  Blogs are meant to be a personal representation of what interests you etc and it shouldn’t matter about others, hence GunBuck’s being a reviewing and anime resource and mine being about my thoughts etc.

This is good for society and the way that civilisation is being forced to take a more electronic approach to almost anything.  If everybody was the same or created the same blogs, websites etc then where would the interest come from? What would make other people navigate from your page to mine?  It is these differences that can keep things fresh and can allow people to make up there minds by taking ideas and information from a variety of different resources.

I like the way that others set out their blogs and the content that they have which is probably why i have a look over on their pages as well as a few others from the WordPress hub and sometimes it makes me think about writing a review such as i did when i wrote my review on the Xbox 360 game ‘Alan Wake’.

I have other friends that have also created blogs: Mac 10 and Daniel Bourne.  Mac 10’s blog is similar to mine in the way he uses it to portray some of his feelings, however he is using his blog as a platform to showcase some of his short stories and ideas for his novel.  Daniel, well his is a mixture of everything, updates on his website business (designing and creating websites) and talk about various bits of technology he is using.

Each of us have contrasting views on lots of todays topics such as politics, music, life, technology, computing and love but you won’t find all of us writing about it.

Ell Himself

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So thats it, Englands hopes of becomming World Cup Champions are quashed yet again for at least another 4 years.
I watched all of Englands matches except the opener against the USA, from what i hear that game was pretty dire on Englands part.  But thats the general consensus i’ve being hearing and honestly what i’ve agreed with over the past 3 weeks.

Football was founded here, it’s ‘our’ game and because of this we should techniqually be the best at it.   Agree? Think about it, if you have a computer game and your friends get it later than you, then surely because you have been playing it longer you will have worked out the quibbles and glitches etc to either avoid them or make them work in your favour.  So how can a game that we (England) pretty much created suppass us and allow others to become far superior, especially when football (soccer) fans around the world agree that the Premier Ship is where its at in terms of footballing skill, obviously there is La Liga and a few others, but those guys train on sand in bare feet! So there allowed that.  We have an abundance of player skill that make up the ‘league’ and fantastic teams for them to play in; Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool etc, granted i’ve pretty much named the the top 5 for the past few years but thats besides the point.  The point is if you buy a football game, say Fifa 2010, or look at world rankings you’ll see that England have kindly been given 5 stars (5 being the highest in Fifa computer games) and that England ranks somewhere at like 7th-10th, still were in the top ten.  Again i ask myself how the hell did USA and Algeria tie with us??  Players in the Premiership get paid anywhere between £80,000 to £10,000 a week! and all they have to do is run about for 90 minutes and hit a ball with their foot.  You don’t need any ‘hand to eye’ coordination or be particulary fit (theres 10 other players you can pass to if your tired), we watch players like Wayne Rooney, Frank Lampard and John Terry have amazing games for their clubs yet when it comes to international games their about as good as me (which isn’t very good i might add).  All you could hear as we were exiting the pub today were people saying “what good was Rooney? what did he actually do?”…I’ll tell you what he did; absolutely everything he shouldn’t have.  That bloke is completely obsessed with doing everybody elses job, when balls were being played up front, you could find Rooney on the wing or in midfield, allowing the opposition to easily close down any sort of attack we made.  Honestly if i didn’t know better i’d suggest getting him and probably a few other England players investigated for point shaving.

It’s one of the most annoying things.  England in a World Cup and it will always be the same, far too many cheifs and not enough indians.  Everybody on that team wants to be a saviour or better than his team mates.  If they played like a team and acknowledged that everyone on that squad has strengths and weaknesses we would of done much better, take a leaf out of Argentina’s book.  Every time somebody is subbed the whole team applaude their efforts and theres even an encouraging kiss on the cheek from the manager.  Brazil, well theres a team that absoultely ooze’s talent, yet the same thing; you dont see Ronaldhino hogging the ball because he knows he’s good, he also knows that his team is good and he has faith in them.  Rooney who scored 25 goals in 28 matches for his club (Manchester United) this season did not score one for his country, more so Rooney had 84 shots over 43 matches this season (on average just under 2 shots a game), yet only manages 3 shots over 4 matches for his country.  It’s ridculous and in my opinion cannot and should not continue, honestly if i was head of the FA or whatever i would cut the wages and make it an hourly rate and give them bonuses for every goal they score.  I guess theres the problem with sports in general, theres nothing really that sets me and Rooney apart, other than he can do quite a few more ‘keepy-uppy’s’ than me and i dont look like shrek, yet i have to work my arse off on a pretty much daily basis to have any chance of surviving todays crappy economic state, whilst he can swagger about in barbados because he’s had a hard 3 days kicking a ball around with his mates.  It takes the piss, and i know im not alone in these thoughts.

Well there are the ‘Euros’ in two years.  But what makes people think thats going to be any different its basically the World Cup except with less ‘not so good teams’ and not on such a grandoise stage, how will England perform any better than they have done in South Africa.  No doubt by then England will have a new manager, because god forbid the over payed and completely under worked players get blamed for playing like ‘shog-dite’ it must be the man that sits on the side lines the whole time and attemtps to get them to play tactics and formations with a view/hope to  increase their chances of success.

But seriously the whole ramping England as a country up into a frenzy whenever theres international football on, were just asking for riots and unnecessary fights and fans being banned from travelling abroad etc etc, so why dont we all just do ourselves a favour and leave ‘our game’ to the people that obviously care about it a little more, and play to win so they actually deserve the trophies, England are too concerned remembering that we invented the game and therefore expect the trophies to be ours; sorry lads got news for you, you dont deserve anything, so next time just dont bother showing up we all know whats going to happen anyway, it was the same last world cup and the one before that and the one before that and so on and so forth.  Which reminds me…

Theres only so long England can get away with using the excuse of ‘two world wars and one world cup’ because if it really didnt matter that much why would everyone get so worked up about it.

Ell Himself

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So I don’t normally do this but I figured I had to as I have had such a good time playing this game.

First off, Alan Wake is not your average third person shooter, infact it’s not really a shooter in many respects as it is a side scroller.  Don’t take my words for a misguided stroll down the wrong path, what I mean is that despite Finnish game developer; Remedy’s attempts to make the game open, this was never intended to be anything sort of a sandbox game, and so the path is very linear.  There is very rarely choice in the direction you take, however you can stray from the path and walk through the foliage that is the very well designed forestry complete with haunting sounds of spooky nightlife and flickering shadows that make you think twice about an added bonus of a ‘thermos flask’, ‘a can pyramid’ or even a ‘chest of wonders’ (depending on if you have followered the graffiti).

Visually Alan Wake is fantastically pleasing, Remedy has, in my opinion, managed to create the shadows and gradients between light and dark that Ubisoft so longed for when creating their earlier Splinter Cell titles.  For a moment we’re going to talk about the game itself.

Light and Dark.  Good and Evil, an age old theory of events that has even been intertwined in films such as Star Wars, the good being light and the bad being dark.  In Alan Wake that ethos is the same.

You play Alan Wake a 30 something writer with a collection of thriller/crime books behind him making him fairly successful.  Alan is married to a woman called Alice who has ‘Achluophobia’ or fear of the darkness to you and me.  Alice is Alan’s muse unfortunately though Alan has not produced any material for a year or so and appears to of developed writers block, due to this Alan has spiralled into a cycle of alcohol induced depression and anger fuelled by his ‘lack of writing’.  Alice has persuaded Alan to go away with her for a few days to work on their marriage amongst other things and they head to a small town in Washington DC called Bright Falls.  It is this location where the story takes place.  Whilst there Alice disappears and Alan believes her kidnapped, however as the story unfolds and the player continues Alan stumbles across pages from an unfinished Manuscript entitled ‘Departed’, this was the title Alan planned to use for his next book but as mentioned before it never made it off the ground.  More pages turn up throughout the game and Alan soon realizes that the manuscript was infact written by him, although he has no recollection of ever writing it, more so the pages appear to be depicting events which are happening.  The story is coming true.
What entails is a quest for answers, a quest for Alan’s missing wife.  As the story progresses more questions are posed and Alan (and the gamer) become more inquisitive and both delve deeper into game and story.

But enough about the story.

As mentioned before this game is very atheistically pleasing to the eye, graphics and frame rate are splendid, lighting is used in a dramatic fashion with ‘The Taken’ being engulfed in darkness which acts as a shield, Alan must use his trusty torch (flashlight) to ‘burn’ away the darkness surrounding the taken making them susceptible to bullets etc.  As the flashlight hits the taken, a lens flare effect is applied and decreases in size indicating how much shield (darkness) is left before they can be harmed.  Shadows are cast brilliantly across the walls and various other surroundings wrapping the environment in a near perfect fashion.

The sound is special to.  The games score is composed by a Petri Alanko and has subtle hints of drama and tension that shudder along adding to the whole atmosphere of the game that culminate in tense crescendos at the height of ‘battle’ with the taken.

Game play is of a difference to anything I have played before, saying that there are of course similarities between Wake and Remedy’s previous male protagonist Max Payne.  Movement is controlled by the left analog stick and the right stick is for the direction you face and take aim.  A press of left bumper makes Alan sprint, although be careful not to over do it as Alan is merely a man, who if sprinting for a while needs to take a breath every now and then.  The two trigger buttons are for firing your weapon and boosting your flashlight (this make the darkness deplete quicker).  Other functions such as reloading your weapon, putting new batteries in your torch and jumping are mapped to the other buttons on the Xbox controller.  During an altercation with the taken left bumper becomes dodge and if used at the right time the gamer is rewarded with a cinematic finish that just looks flashy.  The chapters throughout the story take an episodic approach like something that is at home in LOST or Heroes, the end of a ‘level’ or ‘chapter’ has music fade up as the episode comes to an end and with the beginning of a new episode players are treated to a ‘…previously on Alan Wake’ montage that sets up the events of the chapter nicely.

Longevity.  Unfortunately Wake’s story is over all too quickly, I was left wanting abit more.  One of my friends completed it in about 10-12 hours and looking at my statistics in the options menu I did it in about 12 hours also.  The ending for me was good although as I said it did leave me wanting more, which I guess was intended as there are already 2 downloadable episodes on the Xbox Marketplace both priced at 800mp to be released later this summer. You can replay the story mode as there are many collectables and achievements to be had from second play through.  Completing the game originally on normal or hard difficulty sees you unlock the nightmare mode.  Manuscript pages are Alan Wake’s version of Crackdowns orbs or Gears of War COG tags, and a few only appear in Nightmare mode.

But in order to play through it more than once it help’s if you like the person you’re playing as.  I heard people say they just don’t like Alan.  Personally I don’t really have anything against the guy, although his voice is annoying at times and in a way you can tell the voice actor has been told to make him sound ‘gravely’ as if ‘he’s lived abit’ and ‘he don’t give a crap about nothing but saving his wife’…..then you realize he’s a freaking writer of fiction how the hell is he not crapping his pants! But then I guess he’s not for everyone.

In summary.  Play this game, I’m not asking you to love it, I’m asking you to appreciate it and understand what it attempts to do and what it does achieve in so many ways.  I’m on my second play through now, on nightmare mode collecting all the manuscript pages.  If you liked Max Payne 1 & 2 and the ‘film noir’ direction that was taken with those games then you will be at home here with the nods to present day film noir and series such as LOST this is a winner, how ever short it may be.

Ell Himself

p.s let me know what you think of this post so I know if you want more like it.  Holla

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I Haven’t posted in a while, mainly because I haven’t really got anything worth posting about.  In all honesty i’ve kinda hit a block.  Before thoughts would pop into my head and chances are I would write them down here, but this last week or so nothing has really inspired to me to write.  There are things going on dont get me wrong, I just dont really know how to put them on here.

My relationship with my girlfriend is going really well, my friendships seem to be all good (well most of them), actually in alot of cases i feel quite supported, but likewise in the same instances i dont so much; and i’m not entirely sure why.

I think potentially we can all get like this at times, things are going good but someone or something has to spoil it.  Well i say why let it?  Things go well for a reason. And your that reason.  Screw anybody that tells you otherwise.

Ell Himself

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Mobile phones have become everything these days.  Its not just what one you have its whether the one you have can do everything that your mates phone can or if it is as fast at loading pages etc.

Society these days are so concerned with accessing everything and anything anywhere they are, which is why more and more network providers are creating more and more tariffs which include free internet or a download allowance, and with phones like the iPhone 3GS and various Android phones like the Blackberry’s etc its easy to see why.

My friend has just purchased an iPhone 3GS, a couple of my other friends have the iPhone 3G, and although it would take a ‘tech head’ to be able to tell the difference at first glance one thing these two phones have in common (aside from looking farely identical) is that they are constantly connected to the internet.  I don’t just mean that they are bouncing from one wi-fi connection to another, I mean like us ‘normal people’ that have a (dare I say it) generic phone, whilst it is connected to normal network coverage via o2, vodafone, orange etc; the iPhone on the other hand has an open connection to the web; meaning then that should you have an email sent to you or someone comments on your facebook, then providing you have set your iPhone up with account settings for these functions you will receive notifications just as you would a text message, want to check the comment on your facebook, just click it and up opens your ‘facebook app’ with live streaming from posts to newsfeeds etc.

It’s amazing how much technology has advanced over the years, I remember thinking my Dad was awesome because he had one of the first mobile phones, granted it was the size of his head and weighed about a tonne; there was no camera no mp3 (or polyphonic) ringtones and your message memory was about 3 text messages.  But none the less it was a phone that you could call people on from where ever you were when ever you wanted.

Awesome.  But is it?

Nowadays if you don’t answer your phone you are considered ignorant (or worse) if you don’t reply to a message then you must ‘be doing something’.
You know what I probably am doing something and that’s why I haven’t replied yet…
Far to often I have been told ‘sorry my phone was on silent’ (more so from my mother!), if you want to be contacted by others and ask people to contact you whenever then its your choice, but don’t but your phone volume on a setting that means you wouldn’t notice if it is ringing surely that’s hypocritical? Ironic even?

I’m waiting now for the next big breakthough in technology, yes I have played around on the iPhone and yes I think it is amazing, if I could get one I would.  But at the same time it just seems to me that they are releasing each phone with minimal improvements so that they can keep releasing ‘new iPhones’.  I mean think about it, in a world where we can now have cameras on phones that are up to 12 megapixel and some are even in High Defintion, then why release a breakthrough phone that has no flash, no video, and a 2mp camera…Oh wait that’s right so that the next one can have a 3mp camera and so on and so forth.

Never the less we will (myself included) consistently buy into gimmicks and upgrades and ‘breakthroughs in technology’ so we can have a glimmer of satisfaction that ‘mine is better than yours’ or on the flip side buy into it all so that people can’t say that to us.

They may as well just vito everyone’s surname and change it to Jones.


Ell Himself

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